General English
- Basic grammar / syntax
- Spelling
- Correct speech & writing
- Exercises to improve grammar, speaking, listening, reading and writing skills
Business English
- Formats for letters, memos, emails
- Letters asking for information and assistance
- Replies to enquiries
- Saying what you can and cannot do
- Offers and suggestions
- Placing and confirming orders
- More informal correspondence
- Referring to telephone or previous conversations
- Formatting agenda/minutes
- Curriculum Vitae and covering letter
- Business vocabulary building exercises and spelling exercises
Secretarial Practice
- Orientation and presentation
- Confidential Secretary’s role and pre-requisites
- Importance of spellings, correct speech, time management, conflict handling, working under stress etc
- Communication skills and assertiveness
- Filing systems – methods and advantages
- Telephone techniques
- Follow up systems and call up diary
- Processing mail
- Public relations / reception
- Meetings
- Banking services and related information
- Executive travel
Public Relations – 4 modules
During the course you will follow public relations classes till 4 pm on 4 days