History of the Institute of Professional Studies

The Institute of Professional Studies (IPS) formerly known as the Department of Vocational Studies celebrated 40 years of service in 2021. The IPS has a separate Board of Management which deals with issues related solely to the Institute like the appointment of staff, finance related matters and introducing courses. Day-to-day administration is carried out by a team of staff members headed by the Chief Operating Officer who reports to the College Principal. One of the primary objectives was to serve the community and to provide skilled and trained personnel for the development of Sri Lanka and as such the courses were geared towards achieving this goal.

An active social consciousness nourished over the years was channeled into an institution that served both the school and community and provided for social equity – thus the IPS was born. It arose out of a need to cater to students who did not wish to study at the Universities. It also catered to a need in the wider community and society at large – equipping young people with the necessary skills to function effectively in their workplaces. This idea gained further momentum with the help of a scholarship fund for those in need.

The IPS is an institute within Ladies’ College where major decisions regarding both the school and the institute are decided by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) Governing body for Educational Institutions.

Our Mission

To enhance opportunities for students to add value to themselves and thereby achieve their full potential

Our Vision

To lead the way in vocational education, and be renowned for excellence and innovation

Objectives of the Institute of Professional Studies

  • To offer a good education as well as specific vocational/professional training to enable students to gain personal fulfillment as well as embark on a career.
  • To enable students to translate the benefits derived from vocational/professional training to make a significant contribution to society by selecting careers that will benefit themselves & society.
  • To provide an educational environment conducive to developing skills and competencies and building of character essential to the personal development of students and the development of society.
  • To up-grade and improve training facilities at the Institute and thereby provide employers with skilled personnel to replace those who leave the island for jobs abroad, and to meet the skills requirements within the country.
  • To enable students to be self-employed or to gain employment by obtaining vocational and/or professional skills.

About Vocational Education in Sri Lanka

Vocational Education in Sri Lanka was neglected for many years. Traditional forms of education which are academically oriented have been the focus of emphasis. It’s only in the 70s when the enormity of the youth and unemployment problem came to light that educationists and the nation took cognisance of the vast potential there is for the development of Vocational Education in Sri Lanka and the need to meet the demands of young people who are anxious to educate themselves for careers which are remunerative and nationally productive.

The Board of Governors of Ladies’ College Colombo, Sri Lanka decided in 1981 to expand the facilities at Ladies’ College to include an institute exclusively for Vocational Education for students from all parts of Sri Lanka.

By extending and expanding the avenues of modern education to include Vocational Education, Ladies’ College led the way in promoting education with a view to national development.

Board of Management

  • Mr. Sethukawala (Chairman)
  • Mrs. Deepika Dassenaike
  • Mrs. Ranmalee Balasooriya
  • Ms. Chandi Wijayratne
  • Ms. Leonie Seneviratne
  • Ms. Yasodha Hettiarachchi
  • Mrs. Chantalle De Saram
  • Mr. Ravi Algama